various locations (since 2012)
an art mediation & curatorial project
SUW (abbreviation of Polish title Samonośne Uniwersalne Wystawy, which literally means Universal Self-supporting Exhibitions) is a long-term curatorial project which is based on art meditation methods involving artists, organisers and curators to co-create following exhibitions.
The SUW’s key factor is the mediation between an artist and the recipient, while its subject is the space and site-specific artworks. This process emphasises the transformation of the traditionally perceived art education into a concept of mediation of arts. That is why the authoritarian way of passing “the only correct knowledge” is exchanged into a dialogue, negotiation of meanings, openness to the recipient, searching for compromise and appreciation of individual interpretations and competences.
The roots of SUW lie in independent curatorial practises concerning private or abundant spaces as a field for exhibitions. These expositions organised outside institutional areas are followed by several rules addressed to everyone who wants to cooperate within it, along with the fact that it is a self-supporting project which reminds that it can be organised everywhere. All exhibitions are accessible for audiences only throughout one night, when artists are present and interacting with recipients. All people involved with the exhibitions are working voluntarily.
So far, seven SUW editions have been organised, each in a different space and under a specific title. You can read more about them here:
4SALE in Wroclaw (PL), 2018
H2O in Wroclaw (PL), 2016
Gadu-Gadu in Wroclaw (PL), 2015
PUK w Kumowie Plebańskim (PL), 2014
11/12 in Wroclaw (PL), 2014
La Costa in Valencia (ES), 2012
M3 in Wroclaw (PL), 2012
The SUW project is also a starting point for two other activities organised in a similar way but using a different contexts and tools: the przeSUWanie [in Polish: repositioning] – a series of walks co-guided by locals and the SUWaczek [in Polish: small zipper] which works as a nomadic Children’s Art Gallery.
– Facebook profile
– Instagram profile
– An interview with Kamila Wolszczak on SUW project